“Let’s make Milky Way with everyone” (JP Title: Minna de tsukurou Amanogawa) is a participatory exhibit shown in the museum. Over 16,000 person joined this work in 32 days.
director: TAKAMIYA Yumiko, SUGIMOTO Tatsuo
technical director: SUGIMOTO Tatsuo
illustration: TACHIMOTO Michiko
website: http://ehon.lab.sugimototatsuo.com/
tool: JavaScript, node.js, Three.js, d3.js, Electron, Python etc.
statistical images based on stamps positon
Exhibition infomation
Picture Book Museum (JP Title: Oideyo! Ehon Museum)
venue: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum (Fukuoka, Japan)
schedule: from July 20 to August 20, 2017